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About Leadingpharm

Come and join us in the new era of pharmaceutical industry!


  • Founder of Leadingpharm 
    Lanzhou University, majored in organic chemistry
    Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Institute of Lanzhou University,
    Vice President of National Federation of Industry and Commerce Pharmaceutical Industry Chamber of Commerce
    Vice Chairman of Professional Committee for New Drug Development of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

    Director of R&D and Service Professional Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Medical Chamber of Commerce
    Managing Director of Chinese Research Hospital Association
    President of Lanzhou University Global Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry Alumni Association
    Top 10 Cutting-edge Figures of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry of 2020
    Top 10 Leaders of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry of 2021
    Top 100 Figures in Promoting High-quality Development of the Pharmaceutical and Health Industry of 2023










    Wallace Tao

  • Co-founder of Leadingpharm 

    China Pharmaceutical University(B.Sc.) 
    Peking University, College of Pharmacy(M.Sc.) 

    Vice President of China Food and Corporation Quality and Safety Promotion Association
    Vice President of  Transdermal Drug Delivery Industry Branch of the China Medical Supplies Association
    Director of Beijing Food and Drug Safety Enterprise Union

    Julie Gao

  • Co-founder of Leadingpharm 

    Osaka University  Pharmaceutical Chemistry(Ph. D) 

    Over 30 years of experience in drug research and development, production, registration, industrial transformation and business. Familiar with regulatory requirements, has unique insights into industry standards and demand directions, and excel in targeted cooperation with enterprises. Establish good trust relationships with major domestic research institutions and pharmaceutical enterprises




    Michael Liu

    Executive Vice President